Black Cap Conures for Sale

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00.

Black-capped conures make beautiful, fun-loving pets. While they require a great deal of attention from their owners, they always seem to reward human efforts with their hilarious antics. They enjoy interacting with their owners and crave daily playtime and attention.

These conures are a perfect playful pal and are full of positive energy. They are noted to bond with their family and show a timid and docile side when guests are in the house. One of the reasons behind their popularity is their clownish personality – they love to play, invent new tricks and hop around the house in a truly silly fashion. This friendly and truly great personality makes so many families fall in love with the Black-Capped Conure. And who knows, you might be the next in line!

AGE: 4 – 5 months Old

SEX: Male | ♀ Female

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SKU: 33437108811701171 Category:
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